
Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Has Sprung, Home Decorating with Blooming Branches

Bring Spring indoors by embracing the natural blooms from the outdoors. Spring is underway yet in many areas it may be a few more weeks till we see our bulbs or flowering branches in bloom. These natural elements are a beautiful way to welcome Spring indoors. 
Beautiful flowering branches photograph by Maria Carr of Dreamy Whites
Tips on forcing your branches to flower:
Have you ever tried forcing your branches to flower? Why not give your green thumb a try...
~Cut a few branches off a favorite shrub or tree growing outdoors. Be sure to have your display vase, jar or decorative container picked out before cutting so you know how long to leave the branches. Make your cuts on an angle and try to do this on a warmer day if possible.
~Make a vertical slit or two up into the end of each stem and immediatly bring them indoors and put the cut ends in water. Check the water daily making sure the water is clear, change if the water appears to look cloudy. 
~Place your chosen vase out of direct sunlight and in a cool place until the buds begin to swell or look as if they will open. It's now time to put your blooming branches on display and into the sunlight. 
You have lots of choices for buds; any deciduous shrub or tree that flowers in early spring is a good candidate for forcing.
Blooming branch displays via Southern Living

You need only one large bundle of pussy willow branches to create the elegant display in this photo.
~ Wake up your homes interior with a variety of blooming branches; An instant way to brighten your decor this Spring ~

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