
Monday, June 6, 2011

Tips to help you spruce up your home for last minute guests!

Last Minute Guests... Don't Stress!

Do you have friends and family that come visit without much notice? Your mother-in-law calls you and tells you she will just be "dropping in for a minute" or you arrive home to a message on the machine that lets your know your spouse and guests will be arriving shortly. Last minute entertaining, be prepared for this type of situation. 

Always try to keep a cabinet of food  and refreshments for last minute entertaining... just in case someone stops by you will have something to offer them. (Chips and salsa, nuts or trail mix, frozen hors d'oeuvres in the freezer, variety of sodas, bottle of wine ect...)

Now to spruce up the house: grab a clothes basket and make a quick assessment of every room. Grab anything that is out of place. Carry the basket with you, adding to and dropping off items where they belong. If time is crucial, hide basket in a closet or unused room.  

Do a quick cleaning... vacuum, dust over rooms and don't forget the kitchen and bathrooms. Put any clutter away and keep scented sanitizing cleaning wipes on hand for the quick wipe down of kitchen counters and bathrooms. They will help in leaving behind a pleasant and clean aroma. Light a few candles for a warm feeling and gentle scent to your rooms. 

Have some slipcovers or throws handy to makeover your furniture quickly before guests arrive. You may be using them to hide the lint or pet hair covered sofa or possible protect your good furniture from the guests arriving.

Close any doors that you can to prevent viewing of unwanted areas. 

Follow the above tips and have a routine so you don't stress when last minute guests pop in!

1 comment:

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