
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Make your Guests feel at home!

Are you expecting company that will stay in your home? Spoil them and make them as comfortable as possible. Here are some simple ideas to get your home guest ready!

Be sure to have a lamp in the room to create comfortable mood lighting. Your guest will appreciate not having to use the overhead lighting in the late evening and early morning. Make up your bedding like a hotel or resort would... Triple the sheets! Two sheets that sandwich a down filled blanket is sure to give a luxurious feel. Add a comforter or duvet as your finishing touch. Don't forget a vase of fresh cut flowers.

Add a shelving unit to the space where your guests will be sleeping. Fill the shelves with everything your guests could possible need and enjoy: Towels/washcloths ~ A basket with soap, shampoos, lotions, body spray, Toothbrush/toothpaste and tissues. Add some snacks and bottled water for those little cravings many of us get. 

Be sure to fill the closet with plenty of hangers and extra pillows and blankets. Add some fluffy robes and slippers.(It can always feel awkward walking down the hallway in your towel) Provide a luggage stand or clear space in the closet for luggage to be stored. If there is a tv and dvd player in the room include a variety of movies and a channel guide. Keep an alarm clock, a few current magazines and books on the nightstand or shelves. Another very nice touch if you have an extra that's accessible, would be to have a computer/laptop available for your guests to use while staying with you. Last, line your hallways with nightlights so your guests can navigate safely in the evening hours.

Follow some of these simple and easy tips and your company will be sure to come back again!

Comment below if you have any suggestions of your own.

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